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Implementing Authorization for Creating Options

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By: php coder
  • Published: 15 Apr 2024 Updated: 04 May 2024

How to Apply Authorization on Create Option Action for Select Field

Implementing Authorization for Creating Options

When using createOptionForm for a select menu, you can customize the add action (+). One important thing is to add authorization to that action, for example, from a policy.

This will hide the add button next to the select menu when the user is not authorized to create, and the same goes for the edit action.

2 //...
3 ->relationship(...)
4 ->createOptionForm(...)
5 ->createOptionAction(
6 fn(Action $action) => $action->hidden(
7 auth()->user()->cannot(
8 'create',
9 Category::class
10 )
11 )
12 ),
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