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Larament - Your Time-Saving Laravel Starter Kit

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By: CodeWithDennis
  • Published: 06 Sep 2024 Updated: 06 Sep 2024

This time-saving starter kit provides a Laravel project with FilamentPHP already installed and configured, so you can dive straight into building without any of the initial setup headaches.

Larament - Your Time-Saving Laravel Starter Kit

Introducing Larament: Your Time-Saving Laravel Starter Kit

If you're looking for a quick and efficient way to launch your Laravel project, Larament is the perfect tool for you. With Laravel 11 and FilamentPHP 3 pre-installed, Larament offers a clean and streamlined environment designed to enhance your development experience while saving time. It includes essential features and tools without any unnecessary bloat, ensuring you can focus on building your app rather than setting it up.

Why Choose Larament?

Larament is built to be a simple yet powerful foundation for your Laravel projects. It gives you the freedom to start with the essentials and easily add features as needed. Here’s why it stands out:

  • Laravel 11 & FilamentPHP 3 pre-installed and ready to go.

  • No bloat: Only essential packages are included, keeping your project clean and efficient.

  • Fully customizable: You can easily install additional packages if needed.

Key Features

Larament comes with a set of thoughtful features designed to boost your productivity:

  • Custom Login Page: The login page automatically fills in test credentials, making it easier to test without manually entering them each time.

  • Single Page Application (SPA): SPA mode is enabled by default, improving app performance and user experience.

  • Global Search Keybinding: Quickly search with a simple key combination: CTRL + K or CMD + K (for macOS).

  • UserResource PEST Tests: A dedicated test file for the UserResource to ensure all functionalities work smoothly.

  • Global Search for Users: User search results also include the email.

  • Custom Password Generator: Easily generate passwords from the user profile page with a built-in action.

Themes and Customization

  • Custom Theme: Larament includes a ready-to-use theme with a sidebar separator for a cleaner layout.

  • Translatable Labels: All component labels are automatically translatable, making it easy to localize your application without extra effort.

Pre-installed Packages for Developers

Larament includes a range of developer-friendly packages to streamline your workflow:

  • laravel-one-time-operations

  • laravel-debugbar: A developer toolbar for debugging Laravel applications, packed with useful information.

  • Pest & Pest Plugins: The Pest testing framework is pre-installed with additional plugins for Laravel, Faker, and Livewire to make testing enjoyable and efficient.

  • PHPStan: A static analysis tool to catch bugs before they become an issue.

Additional Helpers

Larament also includes a Helpers.php file, where you can add your custom helper functions for your Laravel app, already set up for automatic Composer imports.

check out Larament now.

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